Selfdefence for handicapped people in TAEKWONDO-Schule Sappl e.V. (our Dojang)

A short time ago, the great program of TAEKWONDO-Schule Sappl e.V. was extended.

In this site you could see some pictures and a film of the, in Dochang, from Andy Sappl, new created
- Taekwondo-wheelchair-self-defence.

Wheelchair-TAEKWONDO at the days of tolerance in Erding (Germany), 2010-5-8
Wheelchair-TAEKWONDO at the days of tolerance in Erding (Germany), 2010-5-8
The blue fighter was 2 Meter (6.66 foot) high, before he was
"shortet" from the wheelchair-user Andy Sappl.

In favour the vistiors, to see, Andys knock is realy hard,
he shows some break.

Wheelchair-TAEKWONDO at the belt-test in Farchet, 2010-7-18
Here you see a fist-break
Wheelchair-TAEKWONDO at a belt-test in Farchet, 2010-7-18



Wheelchair-TAEKWONDO at a TAEKWONDO majorevent,
in Munich (2011-1-15),
with participants from the hole Federal Republic of Germay


The aggressor is going to knock Andys head, with his heel (Jiggachagi),
and all people are only looking on it.
Help he could not get, and so he has to defend his life on his own
Wheelchair-Taekwondo at a Taekwondo-major-event in munich, 2011-01-15
Andy says: "You could not cosh chiefly me so easy, and puts the attack down."
Munich 2011-1-15


As the aggressor was landig his leg to the floor, there was one second no defilade.
Andy took his chance, and punched back.
Wheelchair-Taekwondo at a Taekwondo-major-event in munich, 2011-01-15
"My chance, I give you back!"
Munich, 2011-1-15


Now the aggressor tried to knock Andy with the instep (Dolyochaggi)
Wheelchair-Taekwondo at a Taekwondo-major-event in munich, 2011-01-15
"Oh, you are back. I sayed it, it is not so easy to punch me."
Munich, 2011-1-15


Andy knock the aggressor so for six
Wheelchair-Taekwondo at a Taekwondo-major-event in munich, 2011-01-15
"Piker, it was only a litle contact."
Munich, 2011-1-15


Handedge to the neck
Wheelchair-Taekwondo at a Taekwondo-major-event in munich, 2011-01-15
"Oh, now he is the right position, I chop him down."
Munich, 2011-1-15


As the aggressor stands up, he takes a knife.
Wheelchair-Taekwondo at a Taekwondo-major-event in munich, 2011-01-15
"Hey, a knife, a bad hat.
Ok, then come, you..."

Wheelchair-Taekwondo at a Taekwondo-major-event in munich, 2011-01-15

Wheelchair-Taekwondo at a Taekwondo-major-event in munich, 2011-01-15
The end of a knifer.
"My beautiful white clothes should not get blotch of bood".
Do not worry about the aggressor. He wears a Trunk Protector under the Jacket.

Andy: "I think, it was better, the others where only looking,... candidly,
together they would be too much for me." ;-)
Munich, 2011-1-15


Andy gets a Gold-medal for his life-success,
Wheelchair-Taekwondo at a Taekwondo-major-event in munich, 2011-01-15. Andy gets a Gold-medal
Munich, 2011-1-15.


Wheelchair-TAEKWONDO at a belt-test, Waldram, 2011-04-02

2011-Apr.-2, WOR-Waldram, 1:25min.


Ilbo in wheelchair


Koryo in wheelchair

2012-24-Mar., WOR-Waldram. 2:01 min.

Keumgang in wheelchair


2012-24-Mar., WOR-Waldram. 1:30 min.

Taebaek in wheelchair


2012-24-Mar., WOR-Waldram. 1:26 min.

Hosinsul in wheelchair


2012-24-Mar., WOR-Waldram. 1:11 min.

Break for the test to the 4th DAN Taekwondo


2012-24-Mar., WOR-Waldram. 13:51 min.
The hole DAN-test for 4th DAN Taekwondo, Andy Sappl


More infos and movies about Wheelchair-TAEKWONDO and Andy (Andreas) Sappl (german).


Are you interessted in selvedefence for handicapped. Please send Andy a E-Mail: ed.odnowkeat−lhutsllor@ofni. Or call him at (0049-8171-3329).

Here you come to the Site of the TAEKWONDO-club TAEKWONDO-Schule Sappl e.V. www.dochang.de,
or www.taekwondoschule.de.




Andreas Sappl
Marienburgweg 12
D-82538 Gerestried
Tel.: 0(049)-8171-3329
FAX: +49-8171-529184
E-Mail: ed.odnowkeat−lhutsllor@ofni
UStId: DE230726579 gemäß § 27 Umsatzsteuergesetz.
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Andreas Sappl,
Anschrift und Kontakt, siehe Impressum.